Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality” by Henry Cloud Essay

The book titled â€Å"Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality† by Dr. Henry Cloud, shed a whole new light on the subject of integrity for me. My original understanding of integrity was to do the right thing even when no one is watching, but this book challenged my definition and the applications to my own personal life and work experience. By understanding integrity as the courage to meet the demands of reality, I will be able to focus on improving my best traits and become a great leader. Cloud explains in his book how six essential qualities determine your success in business: establishing trust, being oriented toward truth, getting results, embracing the negative, being oriented toward increase, and being oriented toward transcendence. I will give my personal educated reaction to each one of these qualities. One of the most important ideas Cloud starts mentioning in his book, is that of the â€Å"wake†, defined as the result we leave behind (pg. 17). I agree with Cloud that there are two sides to the wake, the task and the relationship side. I was especially moved by reading that the two sides of the wake must be equally important and contributed to. Unfortunately, there have been many times in my life when I have either focused on the task more, or the relationship side of the wake I was leaving behind. Looking back, I now realize why I have not been reached by people from previous jobs, where being the top performer was my priority. But I also understand now, that it was because of the great wake I left behind, that many of my previous colleagues still show appreciation, respect, and adoration for me, even though I was a better performer than them. It is a great feeling to be able to motivate people and bring out the best in them for many years to  come. After reading this book, I now understand how to use the â€Å"wake† tool to make me a better person and a better leader in my personal life but also my career. On page 24, Cloud gives his definition of character as â€Å"the ability to meet the demands of reality† which shook my perception that character couldn’t change. Cloud was very successful in making me see how the demands of reality determine the requirements of the design, and that character is changeable. From now on, I will not only try to improve my own character, but I will also push people around me to be the best character they can be. It has not been easy to meet the demand of my reality, such as being a single mother, being a great fulltime graduate student, being a good fulltime employee showing high performance results while building long lasting relationships with colleagues and customers, being a good daughter, sister, partner, a healthy and beautiful woman etc. I now truly understand why several top performers in my company have been let go over the years because of the fact that their character did not meet the demands of the reality within the company, t he employees and the customer base we are trying to provide excellent products and services to. I especially loved it when Cloud mentioned that â€Å"people grow and people change when the right experiences are brought to the person, and they have the right response in using those experiences† (pg. 27). One of the most important aspects of establishing trust, according to Cloud is â€Å"true listening and understanding, which occurs only when the other person understands that you understand† (pg. 60). This idea opened my eyes wide and made me understand how I must become better at showing to the people around me that not only I listen to when they have to say, but I truly understand them and their situation. Since reading this part of the book I have tried really hard every day at work to show empathy and connect with my coworkers and not just my customers, winning their hearts by showing that I genuinely care for their success as much as mine. The other two ways of establishing trust according to Cloud are through extending favors and through vulnerability. I could not agree more with the author in that a good leader cannot just set the demand, he or she must do anything to help the people meet that demand. I have seen this concept with my General Manager being a part of the team, working as hard as we do toward the same goal, for our store to be as successful as we are. Throughout my life I have been able to establish trust in my personal  relationships, such as with my son, by extending favors and helping people not only understand the demands but also accomplishing them. Being vulnerable is another very important part to building trust, as mentioned by Cloud on page 92. Great leaders must be â€Å"strong enough to depend on, but vulnerable enough to identify with†. This is a whole new concept for me, because I have always thought that not showing your weaknesses made you a good role model. I will definitely let my guard down now and accept my imperfections and admit to being a work in progress myself. The second important quality to be a successful leader according to Cloud is to be oriented toward the truth by being in touch with reality. On page 104 Cloud mentions how â€Å"the consequences of deceit are usually greater than the ones of the truth†. I could not agree more with this concept, especially because I was cheated on from my husband and was really hard for me to find out that what I thought was true, it had not been true all along. Being oriented toward the truth builds trustworthy relationships forever in every aspect of life. A new concept for me that I will incorporate in my life from now on, is the concept that Cloud mentions on page 117 that â€Å"you will excel only by maximizing your strengths, never by fixing your weaknesses†. Even though it does sound hard to do, I am determined to put it to practice in my own life with all my relationships. The third quality important to success mentioned by the author is that of getting results. Cloud says that one of the most important aspects of character that leads to success is â€Å"the ability to keep going when we hit an obstacle, believe that there is a way to get it done, and keep going until we find it†. I have had to learn this lesson personally in a hard way, since I have hit rock bottom many times, and have had to get up and fight and move on, and end up stronger than before. The fourth quality to a successful leader mentioned in Cloud’s book is the ability to embrace the negative. I could not agree more with Cloud in when he says that â€Å"the ones who succeed in life are the ones who realize that life is largely about solving problems†. I have had to deal with this concept myself many times in my life, and every time I have decided to take the problems head on instead of ignoring them, I have grown as a character myself while building stronger relat ionships. I have also had to work with several managers who avoided  dealing with problems, which contradicts the idea Cloud points out on page 179 that â€Å"the leaders who are respected are the ones who can be depended on to deal with things directly and competently†. This concept reiterates my belief to why employees did not respect those managers I mentioned above. Reading from Cloud that â€Å"if they have to have others like them, or not be upset with them, then solving problems becomes virtually impossible† on page 184, convinces me even more that solving problems as they come, no matter how big or small they are, will make me a better leader and role model for everyone around me. I am so proud to say that I work with great leaders who do exactly what Cloud mentions in his book â€Å"it’s not useful to beat other people up when they make mistakes†¦to the contrary that’s the time to coach, encourage them, and help then regain their confidence† (pg. 190). I am learning from the best, hands on, every day at work, and I strongly believe that because I am using the same concept in my relationships, I will soon become a great leader as well. The last two character dimensions important to success according to Cloud are: oriented toward increase and oriented toward transcendence. The idea presented in this book that managers are good maintainers, while leaders are good growers, makes me realize why I have taken so much pride and joy in helping coworkers and friends grow in the last few years, because I am working on growing myself and becoming a great leader (pg. 207). This also touches the concept of being transcendent in order to be successful, especially when Cloud mentions that â€Å"it truly is more blessed to give than to receive† (pg. 253). A fairly new concept for me though, that I truly enjoyed learning about is that ‘the greatest people are the ones who have not sought greatness, but served greatly the causes, values, and missions that were much bigger than them†¦and by joining and serving those, we see greatness emerge† (pg. 243). From my personal life I have observed how not being transc endent can hold someone from being a good leader, such as those people who believe they are the center of the Universe. This book was a great eye opener for me personally and made me question many of my traits and experiences. I now can connect the six character dimensions together within myself and using my best traits to become even better. The  most important conclusion I arrived at after reading â€Å"Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality† by Dr. Henry Cloud, is that to become a successful leader in life I must understand why I might have some â€Å"gaps† to work on, accept myself and realize that there is nothing â€Å"wrong† with having â€Å"gaps†, and know what to do next to resolve them (pg. 265). I will for sure share this knowledge with as many people around me as I can, so that I can help them grow together with me.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Life Span Perspective Essay

The definition of a person’s lifespan is from the moment that they are conceived to the moment that they pass away. The development of this life is defined through the various stages in which that person develops. When a person is looking at the perspective of this lifespan development, they are trying to understand what changes during the development and why it happens. There have been many psychologists that have looked at this and developed many different theories about development, and you can see that there are many influences that help push these theories into reality. Definition of Lifespan Development A person and their lifespan start out when they are conceived and then grow and develop for nine months in the womb. During this time that person will develop into either a male or a female. Once they are born they will continue to experience changes and different developments while they age. There are different stages in their life that will show different changes within them. The study of how we understand how humans change over a lifetime is called the study of human development, (Berger, 2008). When looking at the development of a person, you can make a pattern out of it from one person to another, but there are cases that the development does not follow a set path. The most common stages of development are birth, infancy, adolescence, adult, elderly, (old age), and death. Lifespan Perspective Lifespan perspective has three different domains in looking at the development of a person. These domains are physical, cognitive, and social domains. Physical domain is looking into the aging and growth of the physical being, (Sigelman & Rider, 2009). The cognitive domain looks into the mind and examines memory, language, perception, and problem solving. The last domain looks at the person’s personality, emotions, and relationships. This study of the human development is one that will probably never end, since there are so many factors when looking at the development of a person. Theories There have been many different theories that go into this portion of psychology. With these theories, people need to examine what are actually in these theories before trying to understand what lifespan development actually is. Piaget Piaget’s theory on development puts a lot of emphasis on the development of thought process. His cognitive theory has been in the front of this study since the 1980s and has had many different versions formed from it, (Berger, 2008). He had figured out that since children are so curious that there are age related stages to the development of the mind. Piaget put these into four different stages. The stages are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The sensorimotor stage is from birth to the age of two where the child uses their motor skills and different senses to try and understand the world around them. The preoperational stage is from the ages of two and six. This is where the child tries to use language to understand everything that is around them. The concrete operational stage happens from the ages of six and eleven. This is where the child starts to understand and use different logical operations to understand the world. The last sate happens from the age of twelve through adulthood. This is where they start to think with different hypothetical concepts and reason without having emotions interfere. Freud Sigmund Freud had a similar but different look on the stages of development. Freud believed that there were three stages of development and that all of them revolved around sexual pleasure. He thought that that infancy was an oral stage, early childhood was an anal stage, and that the years around the age of going to preschool was the phallic stage, (Berger, 2008). With this theory the interpretation of an adult would be a constant struggle in the person’s unconscious from childhood on up. Nature and Nurture There have been many debates over the influence of nature and nurture in this field. When looking at this field a person can see that there is help from both influences when shaping the development of a person. Nature is where genetics is passed down from one person to the next and nature is a person’s abilities and temperaments, (Guest, 2011). Everything that is around a person can affect their development, such as friends, schools, and religion. Each of these takes most effect when the child is in early development, which is one of the most crucial times for a person and their development. Conclusion The development of a person from life to death is the scientific study of lifespan development. This perspective can be seen in three different domains and five different stages of characteristics. There were many different theories on this subject, but Piaget thought there were four stages that happened in the mind while Freud thought there were three stages that was focused on sexuality.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Banking law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Banking law - Essay Example For example in Barclays Bank Plc v O’Brien the House of Lords ruled that when the burden shifts to the stronger party to prove that there was no undue influence, the burden can be discharged by proof that the weaker party voluntarily entered into the agreement or the transaction and this can be proven by showing that the weaker party had the benefit of independent legal advice.7 It has been subsequently ruled that where undue influence is presumed, the bank’s security will stand on whether or not the surety had the benefit of independent legal advice.8 It was not altogether clear whether banks had a duty to ensure that vulnerable sureties sought independent legal advice. The courts had merely stated that the burden of proof could be discharged by showing that the vulnerable surety had voluntarily entered into the transaction and this could be shown by proof that the vulnerable surety had the benefit of independent legal advice. The matter was more clearly stated by the House of Lords in Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge (no.2). In Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge, the House of Lords ruled that the bank is required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the vulnerable surety was appropriately apprised of the transaction and what this means is that the bank would require that the vulnerable surety had the benefit of independent legal advice.9 Further guidance was provided by the House of Lords in National Westminster Bank v Amin. In the case, the bank applied to the court for the defendant’s defence of undue influence on the part of her son who was a business man. In this case, the bank had previously required that their solicitors clarify and explain the details and consequences of the transaction to which the defendant would provide...Banks should also want to be sure that vulnerable sureties are exercising free and unimpeded judgement from the onset. Therefore the requirement of independent legal advice should not be an obstacle to ban ks taking on vulnerable securities. It should merely be perceived as a necessary step toward ensuring that vulnerable securities may not be rescinded at a later date. The requirement of independent legal advice is commercial sound and reasonable in that it seeks to safeguard the interests of all parties involved, including the bank. The principle debtor is ensured that he or she will obtain the benefit of a loan on the strength of a promise that the surety will provide security for the loan or discharge the debt in the event he or she is unable to. The bank obtains the necessary security for the loan and the surety is committed to loan. Each of these interests are equally important and it is in each of the party’s best interest to ensure that the vulnerable surety is fully aware of his or her obligations and the consequences of the transaction. Neither the bank nor the principle debtor will benefit from a transaction in which the surety is unaware of the consequences of the transaction is unable to fully understand or appreciate the consequences of the transaction. It makes sense that since the bank wants to ensure the integrity of its secu rities, that it would take the minimal step of requiring that vulnerable sureties seek independent legal advice.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Leadership and Management Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Leadership and Management Development - Essay Example The paper tells that most business organizations currently have varied management trainee jobs, which they use to train managers. However, the process is equally hectic with both the trainers and the trainees facing numerous challenges. Despite the numerous challenges, coaching is the most effective way of ensuring the provision of future leaders and managers, the process requires effective consideration with the trainers using particular appropriate theories in selecting and coaching the future leaders in order to achieve the desired success as the discussion below portrays. In 1938, Chester Barnard defined leadership as the ability of a leader to influence the behaviors of subordinates thus persuading them to a particular desired action. Organizational leaders and managers require numerous types of power that they only acquire through professional training and exposure. This validates the need for management trainee in organizations. Through the dedicated coaching, an organization equips the individuals with adequate professional skills besides exposing them to the operations of the company. This way, they acquire the expert skills coupled with adequate experience in the operations of the company. As such, the managers become holistic individuals who will not only influence their subordinates to particular actions but also guide them in the process of effective implementation of the policies. Through the tailored management trainees in organizations, the trainees acquire effective interpersonal skills that enhance their operations in the companies a feature that is likely to enhance their productivity as future leaders at the company. Managers often formulate policies that influence the production process. The process of formulating a policy requires an effective understanding of one’s role at the organization coupled with unparalleled access to the resources of the company.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Current Australian Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Australian Issues - Essay Example They try to persuade the computer novices, who barely have any idea of their computer system and are alarmed by such calls and due to their limited knowledge are inclined towards believing on such scams. The technician asks the consumer to log on to a third party website for the purpose of remote access troubleshooting to the consumer’s PC. The telemarketers go to such extents that they claim they belong to reputed computer organizations such as â€Å"Microsoft† and â€Å"Windows†. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) are looking forward into investigating towards this matter and warning the consumers to remain attentive about such scams (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission). The calls come at all odd times of the day, due to the fact that the telemarketers are not from Australia. A new trend in the type of PC-related scam calls have been observed, in which the caller falsely claims to belong to some foreign government, or from the consumer’s bank and they try to convince the consumers to recover their money that they have lost in previous scams, in return for a moderate fee. This is again a fraud and the consumer ends up paying more money, without any retrieval. PC scam calls are just one genre of the telemarketing abuse. Retrieving consumer’s personal identification details also helps these scammers to provide language-specific calls. The consumer is dealt with the telemarketer of the same foreign language, in the hope of optimized persuasion strategies. Lately consumers have complained of calls by telemarketers for enrolling their kids in tuition centers for specific subjects. Another genre of scam calls relate to the religious preferences of the consumers. Consumers have been asked to join religious centers that preach certain beliefs. The idea behind these telemarketers is to scrape out as much money as they can from the consumers, by stealing their identification details, in order to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Essay - 3

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics - Essay Example In its effort to ensure the entrusted corporate social responsibility a modern day corporate must ensure fulfillment of its duties towards the social, moral and environmental aspects of its surroundings. The chances of a possible gas disaster at Bhopal that ultimately broke out during December the 2nd and 3rd 1984 were rooted long back in the early half of the 1970s. In those eras India was a country dying for foreign investment as with its infrastructure of that time it managed little of it and that mostly owing to Soviet Friendship. To attain this much-awaited foreign investment goal the Indian government approached Union Carbide to set a plant at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh that will be producing pesticides such as Sevin. Sevin was certainly to have an intermediate product Methyl Isocyanide (MIC) that was immensely toxic. The possibility of a disaster owing to the production of such a toxic material was overlooked. The Union Carbide considered two potentials of the place, cheap labor and lands the most helpful input a chemical company can hope for to start with. What the eminent strategists of the concerned company overlooked was whether the place is ready enough for such a plant. The answer to this question was a certain no and that owing to a couple of factors. First of all cheap labor does not always translate to skilled labor rather mostly stands for the opposite and Madhya Pradesh was one of the backward states of India in terms of technical know how. Both of these together had sown a seed that eventually became a poisonous tree; swallowing millions of lives. In simple terms, corporate balance sheet emerged victorious over the social accounts and that one-day yielded poisonous gas in a huge amount that shocked millions of innocent inhabitants of Bhopal and almost no one was held accountable for that. 1) Mr. Warren Anderson: the puppet master.  When a business body unleashes a catastrophe then the topmost officials or authorities are bound to be held responsible. This was no exception for Union Carbide as well.

Strategic and organization Change at Black & Decker Essay

Strategic and organization Change at Black & Decker - Essay Example The purpose of this report, is to pursue the question as to why did it take Black and Decker two decades to effect a change in strategy and structure. Black and Decker have been primarily known for power tools .It has been one of the older multinationals initially with operations in Canada and Britain. The company has two well known brands, the Black and Decker Consumer Power tools, and Professional power tools. . Black and Decker have been selling in 100 nations. Revenue has gone in excess of $5 billion, more than half of which the company has been able to generate outside the United States. The company has grown rapidly, and has also been able to make name and create monopoly Share in the consumer and professional power tools market. This monopoly has been based on the handheld power tools. Black and Decker have also significantly grown in the international markets. The company has been able to achieve this by setting up wholly owned subsidiaries. The company has 23wholly owned subsidiaries in foreign nations and two joint ventures. Black and Decker during its rapid growth phases, and also during its international expansion peri od, have functioned with 'decentralized' form of organization. Each subsidiary has been given considerable autonomy to run its own business. But it is then observed that in the mid 1980's competition emerges in the form of 'Nakita','Panasonic' and Bosch. The Black and Decker's monopoly beg... Factories have closed down. Particularly, in Europe. Globalisation remains a key strategy for Black and Decker. This is highlighted in their Annual Report in 1985. Also in 1985 the company made sound progress. The company have been designing and marketing products for the worldwide market instead of just the regional ones. Design Centers, created by Black and Decker have promised to deliver more global products in the future. Because of these design centers, Black and Decker has cut on the number of R&D's it had. Major decisions regarding where to produce have all been made in the corporate head quarters. The autonomy of the factories also has been decreasing significantly. The national subsidiary is still maintained a fair degree of autonomy.The Black and Decker companies have been competing each other. Black and Decker have recently announced a restructure initiative. The Effectiveness of Black and Decker's decentralized, rationale, management style during the earlier years of growth in power tools market is most evident by the fact that their revenue had an excess of $5billion , they were expanding well nationally and internationally . By , setting up of wholly owned subsidiaries , giving them considerable amount of autonomy , accepting and realizing , that globalisation was upcoming , they needed to be apart of this and so they setup design centres . In order, to achieve the targets, of producing global products in the future. Looking at the not so effective side of this sort of decentralized Organization. We then observe, in the long run, as competition rose, Black and Decker started eroding from the market. The two very famous, brands had to see tough competition on hands. The factories were closed down, particularly in Europe. National subsidiaries on

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Petroleum Engineering final research Paper Essay

Petroleum Engineering final research Paper - Essay Example While engineering and research have developed methods of extracting different petroleum products from crude oil in practical approaches, the academic and the overall public domain is unable to know from research how exactly the formation of crude oil takes place as many theories exist within the sources credited as scholarly articles and approved books. Given the increasing threat of reading and believing various sources in existence, this essay seeks to answer the following question as it relates to petroleum engineering and research on petroleum production: Research Question If petroleum engineering was developed through research on petroleum formation, why is it that petroleum engineering follows the same concepts and methods of processing while petroleum research on petroleum formation differs considerably? LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Research on Petroleum a. Formation of crude oil ‘The origin of oil’ is a phrase that anyone can take a wild guess and appear right on. From t ime immemorial, societies have become accustomed to the popular believe that crude oil is a product from the interiors of the earth. However, while the origin or oil has been researched on, most research tends to lean on where crude oil exists or where around the world oil can be drilled. Research goes further to explain that the origin of oil is a phenomenon that can be explained through the consideration of hydrocarbons undergoing gradual changes within the confinements of the earth’s crust. According to Bluemale & Manz (2), crude oil is constituted of 50-95% of hydrocarbons. While chemical engineering is a crucial input in the field of petroleum research, some sources fall short of relevant information regarding the types and actual chemical components of these hydrocarbons. Research by other researchers indicate that the formation of crude is an indefinite process upon which most researchers have relied on theories rather than taking a practical approach in identifying th e actual process of crude oil formation. In statistics, forecasts are made through the consideration of the mean in order to predict the occurrence of some results. While the field of quantitative data can use means to predict outcomes, it is unable to use the same method to predict results from qualitative data. For example, the different researches on the formation of crude oil cannot be reduced to an average concept. This therefore discredits such research conclusion that crude oil is made up of 50-95% of hydrocarbons. The 50-95% gap is way too wide to show substantiality of the research as it is impossible to believe that one bottle of the original coca cola can have 50-95% sugar content and still be classified under the same category of either diet coca cola or the original sugar-rich product. b. Chemical Composition The formation of petroleum has been able to produce substantial evidence of how chemicals are combined or developed to become petroleum. In this case, the scientif ic inability is influenced by timeline as scientists are unable to reproduce 100 million years. While the impossibility is logical, the mentioning of 100 million years may has well be wrong as the determinant of the period

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The role of the judge is to declare what the law is, and not to make Essay - 1

The role of the judge is to declare what the law is, and not to make it.Discuss this statement with reference to the theory and practice of both statutory interpretation and the doctrine of precedent - Essay Example The application of the law in particular controversies has been a contentious matter of this nature. Laws necessarily are framed in a general way so that they apply to a group of circumstances. When the judge seeks to apply these general principles to a specific case, he necessarily has to restate the law to a certain degree in order to put the case within its context. Similarly, the judge in common law cases is tasked to apply judicial precedent to subsequent cases to maintain stability in the law. The idea is that once meritorious, always meritorious – and, necessarily, the same for non-meritorious cases. Occasionally, however, the judge finds the need to modify or differentiate from precedent, to serve the ends of justice. In his treatise on the history and theory of statutory interpretation, William D. Popkin observed that originally, the judiciary and Parliament were not formally separated. Until the thirteenth century, Parliament was a mere group composed of powerful people summoned at the pleasure of the king. The function of Parliament at the time included â€Å"agreeing to pay taxes (it did not legislate taxes so much as assent to requests for money), dealing with matters of state (often foreign affairs), responding to petitions (what we would call private legislation), and passing some general rules (often prompted by petitions). Parliament was not so much a body as an occasion at which people met to parley or speak with the king as they saw fit† (Popkin, 1999). What may be deduced here is that judicial techniques such as statutory interpretation could not have existed while the legislature had not developed a sense of separation from judging. Until that was achieved, there was nothing to â€Å"interpret† as judges, being part of Parliament, could claim absolute competence in understanding the law. There was therefore a â€Å"shared sense of common enterprise† between Parliament and the judiciary because of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Law. Offer and Acceptance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law. Offer and Acceptance - Essay Example When the party accepts the offer it is generally assumed that all negotiations have been done and the part unconditionally accepts the offer. Hence, there is no halfway through, either there is a contract or there is no contract at all. In this case, Anthony is the offeror who made the offer and Joyce is the offeree; to whom the offer is made. An offer must give a clear indication that the offeror intends to be bound by those terms as soon as they are accepted by the offeree. An offer may remain open until the specified time has been completed. Anthony told Joyce to respond to the offer within a specified time which was Wednesday mid-day. After that time, the offer would have been terminated. According to the English legal system, other circumstances in which the offer will terminate are rejection of the offer, a counter offer made by the offeree, death of the offeror or offeree and withdrawal of the offer (Schulze, 2007, p. 321). In this case, Anthony has withdrawn from the offer th rough sending a letter which Joyce received after posting the acceptance. Under the law, withdrawal of the offer must be communicated to the offeree. The withdrawal of an offer is known as the revocation of the offer. The case of Payne v Cave (1789) established the principle that an offer could be withdrawn anytime before it is accepted. There are many rules that apply to the withdrawal of offers. One of the main rule is that the withdrawal must be communicated which means that the offerors must notify the offeree that the offer is revoked (Young, 2009, p. 87). This rule was established in the case of Byrne & Co v Leon Van Tienhoven (1880) in which the defendants were a company based in Cardiff. They posted a letter on 1st October to New York making an offer to sell 1,000 boxes of tinplates to the plaintiffs. When the plaintiffs received the letter, they accepted it by telegram. However, in the meantime, the defendants wrote another letter to revoke their offer but the letter was re ceived by the plaintiffs later. The court held that a binding contract existed between the two parties as revocation would only take place on communication but acceptances take place as soon as they are posted. Anthony posted his revocation by post and it was received by Joyce after posting the acceptance. This means that the offer had not been revoked and Anthony was still under the circumstances of the offer and must be fulfilling his promise despite the losses it would cause to him. Thus, the offer has not been revoked because acceptance was already posted. If the acceptance would not have been posted by Joyce, the offer could have been revoked because the specified time given for the offer was still valid. Thus, an offer has been made and accepted as well. An offer is revoked only if the revocation is communicated to the offeree but the acceptance is made as soon as it is posted. The contract law establishes that acceptance of an offer is when the offeree has unconditionally acc epted to all terms of the offer. Acceptance can be oral or in writing, but at times acceptance can be done by an act such as delivering goods in a response to the offer. Acceptance does not take effect until it is communicated by reasonable means. Lord Denning explained this principle in Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corporation (1955) that if A shouts an offer to B over a river and just as B shouts back in acceptance, a noisy aircraft flies over and prevents A from hearing B’s acceptance, no legally binding contract is made. This means that A must hear the acceptance of B only then will it be called communicated (Schulze, 2007, p. 321). However, there are some exceptions to this communication rule. One of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Efficacy of radiation treatment for recurrent keloids Essay Example for Free

Efficacy of radiation treatment for recurrent keloids Essay Keloid is a condition in which an overgrowth of scar tissue (basically fibrous tissue) occurs at the spot of damage to the skin. Besides skin injuries, keloids can also occur at the site of surgical incisions, traumatic lesions, burns, acne scars, scratches, insect bites, etc. The condition more frequently occurs in African-Americans, and is more common in younger individuals. The lesion usually crosses the site of normal skin injury. It appears flesh-colored, pink or red in color and may be nodular or ridged. They may be shiny and are slightly elevated above the skin. With time, the lesions become more and more flat and lighter in color. Keloids most often occur in the upper portion of the body including the chest and back. Areas that are frequently rubbed or experience great amounts of friction are at the high risk of developing keloids. Keloids that are exposed to sunlight are at the risk of become darker in color. The diagnosis of the keloids is made based on the basis of the history, physical examination and biopsy (Merck, 2005, Mayo, 2007 Lehrer, 2006). Usually, treatment is not required for keloids, as with time, the lesions become flatter and lighter in color. Several treatment modalities such as surgery, cryotherapy, pressure therapy, local injections of corticosteroid, laser therapy and radiation, have been employed and may seem to be beneficial in the treatment of the keloids. However, frequently, following removal of the keloids, a new lesion appearing larger than the previous one may develop. However, radiation therapy following surgery is known to be effective in preventing keloids from recurring (Merck, 2005, Mayo, 2007 Lehrer, 2006). Klumpar et al (1994) has reported that such a combination of treatment would help to control recurrence by about 72 to 92 %. Radiation is utilized to treat recurrence of keloids. About 126 cases were treated in the study by surgical removing the lesion, and then applying radiation, in the form of Electron beam or ortho-voltage. The rates of recurrences were found to be low. The study demonstrated that the recurrences were higher in those lesions that were infected and in patients who had tendencies for keloids in their families. The study also demonstrated that keloids that hampered cosmetic appearance could be effectively treated with surgery followed by radiation therapy (Klumpar, 1994). Narwong et al (2006) reported a recurrence rate of about 50 to 80 % in the earlobe keloids after removing them surgically. They performed a study on about simple exercise in about 15 patients and then treated them with iridium radiation therapy. The cases were followed up for about 6 months, and it was observed that only 12. 5 % of the cases developed recurrences (Narwong, 2006). De Lorenzi et al (2006) conducted more precise studies on the recurrence of keloids following radiation therapy. They treated about 24 patients with 30 keloids with high dose iridium therapy. The scar thickness reduced significantly following radiation therapy. Several symptoms such as pain, irritation, etc, also reduced significantly. A majority of the patients were satisfied with the treatment provided (De Lorenzi, 2006). Van de kar al (2007) reported that currently the data available is not sufficient to suggest the benefits of performing radiation therapy after surgical removal. Previous studies have demonstrated that surgery in association with radiation therapy seemed to be the most effective treatment for preventing keloids recurrences. However, Van der reported a recurrence rate of about 71. %, much higher than was anticipated. The cases were followed up for about 19 months (van de kar, 2007). Thus it felt that although, radiation therapy seems to be effective in reducing recurrences of keloids following surgery, several long-term studies and assessment of the factors which would increase the chances of developing keloids. These factors have to be identified following consistent results obtained through studies. From the paper observed, it is felt that radiation therapy following surgery, is the most efficient modality of reducing recurrences.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategic Analysis Of Ryanair Competitive Advantage Management Essay

Strategic Analysis Of Ryanair Competitive Advantage Management Essay Since its inception in 1985, Ryanair has grown to become the market leading European low-cost airline. This paper is an analysis of the Ryanair case study (OHiggins, 2007) and seeks to evaluate the sustainability of the strategy employed by Ryanair. It also seeks to identify areas for improvement and make recommendations given the available information. It will do this by first discussing the current strategy and performance. An analysis of the environment will then be carried out through a PESTEL analysis to identify the salient influences likely to impact on future strategy and a contextualisation of the aviation industry through the application of Porters five forces. This will be applied to the Ryanair case to see how this might have informed their current business and competitive strategy and their position in the market given the opportunities and threats revealed. The paper will then proceed with an evaluation of stakeholder management as a start point to the evaluation of the sustainability of the current strategy and recommendations on the direction and future strategy the airline might adopt. The conclusion summarises the whole piece. Ryanairs Strategic Posture From the case, it can be seen that Ryanairs corporate strategy is one of growth and expansion and its business strategy through which it seeks to gain competitive advantage is cost leadership. This is reflected in its consideration of the markets it chooses to operate in and its service offering. From the case, it is evident that the targeted market segment consists of European price sensitive customers and Ryanair positioned itself as the cheapest short haul airline. To achieve this, the airline adopted a low-price strategy which is contingent upon maintaining a low cost operation whilst achieving operating efficiency in order to satisfy customers. Ever decreasing costs was Ryanairs mantra (Johnson et al, 2008:699) showing that much focus was given to keeping costs and thus prices low and not necessarily on achieving operational efficiency, a fact confirmed by the results of the poll by TripAdvisor. It is for this reason that Ryanair constantly examined every area of its operations seeking areas to implement cost reductions or eliminations. These initiatives include: the rationalising of its fleet to minimise staff training, aircraft maintenance and fuel costs introducing a web-based self service for passengers for ticketing, check-in and priority boarding purposes to reduce the need for client facing staff and printing costs charging passengers for checked in luggage to encourage travel with fewer bags and improve on speed sticking to point to point (P2P) routes so as to eliminate passenger transfer costs servicing only short-haul routes to reduce the need for value added services to passengers. utilising secondary and regional airports to reduce airport charges. The CEO Michael O Leary also quite frequently vocalised his criticism of airport authorities and other systems especially in areas that would have a negative impact on costs. The airline was also particularly focused on generating ancillary revenues hence its constant seeking of areas to charge its passengers for any value added service like baggage, onboard meals and even for the use of a wheelchair. The policies adopted in this regard are those which had the most impact on their customer service. The underlying premise being that they positioned themselves as offering transportation and customers must bear the cost of any other service they require. The airlines strategic direction includes a mix of market penetration through which it seeks to increase its market share in its existing markets using its low fare offerings and market development by moving into other viable European markets sticking to its policy on P2P routes. Current Performance The evidence of the success of this strategy in its basic form can be seen in the financial results and in the fact that the airline has the highest market share of European low-cost carriers in terms of passenger numbers. (exhibit 2 of the case study) and in their reputation of having the best fares (OHiggins, 2007). Financially, the strategy is clearly working for them. Not only have they increased their revenue, they have also succeeded in reducing their costs thus giving them a higher profit margin year on year. Table 1 in the appendix shows that there was a 28% increase in total operating revenues from Apr 2005 to Mar 2006, however by September 2006 (half of the next fiscal year) the airline had already generated 74% of the full year revenue of the previous year. Table 3 (in the appendix) also shows that their expenses in comparison to total operating revenues also reduced thus resulting in a higher operating profit margin. This is a confirmation that not only were they carrying more passengers, their cost reducing policies were also working for them to improve their profit margin. Exhibit 1c in the case shows that some of these areas include marketing costs/scheduled revenue down by 15%, airport costs for passengers down by 7% and average staff costs down by 5% and from 2005 to 2006. In the same period, passenger numbers had increased by 26%. Ancillary revenues account for approximately 15 to 17% of revenue generated. The profitability ratios for Ryanair (table 2 in the appendix) shows a gradual increase in net operating margin. However, return on total assets and return on shareholders equity (ROE) remained constant. MACRO ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES PESTEL ANALYSIS The following PESTEL analysis identifies the key drivers for change in the macro environmental (external to the industry) factors identified in the case. Each of these macro environmental factors can influence Ryanairs strategy by being either an opportunity (O), a Threat (T) or both (B) and thus the level of success they attain. Political Government support for national carriers (T) Increasing need for security (T) Government policies and regulations e.g. The EU regulation on compensation of inconvenienced customers (T) Economic Market growth especially with expansion of the EU by addition of more countries (O) The volatility of fuel prices and currency exchange rates (B) Socio-Cultural Changes in passenger expectations and attitudes e.g. rising passenger expectations of some form of value added service even with the lowest prices (T) Long security checks and luggage restriction due security concerns leading customers to choose alternate travel methods like trains (T) Technological Technological advancements e.g. more fuel efficient engines with reduced carbon emissions.(B) Environmental Pollution issues e.g. concerns on greenhouse gases and carbon emissions and their impact on the environment (B) Energy consumption concerns (B) Legal Labour laws in differing countries affecting things like uniformity of employee contracts (T) Specific country legislations e.g. preferential airport rights for some carriers like Air France and the French airports.(T) Stringent health and safety regulations (T) MICRO ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES (INDUSTRY ANALYSIS) PORTERS FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS This analysis will look at the overall competitiveness of the industry citing examples from the case for clarity. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Fuel: There are quite a number of aviation fuel suppliers however given the volatility in fuel prices, strong relationships need to be built in order to maximise the value of hedging contracts thus making supplier power high. Ryanairs fuel cost was 37% of its operating costs in 2006, 8% more than in 2005 (OHiggins, 2007). The airline will have to hedge their fuel costs. This requires experience and knowledge (OHiggins, 2007). Aircraft: Power is also high here due to high switching costs there being only 2 dominant players Boeing and Airbus. The capital requirements are also high in aircraft acquisition. Ryanairs fleet commonality policy to use only Boeing 737 planes might give them a cost advantage but it gives Boeing high power over Ryanair. Since pilots and cabin crew are all trained based on Boeing aircraft, switching costs for Ryanair to use Airbus or any other aircraft manufacturer are very high as staff would have to be trained again. Bargaining Power of Buyers This is relatively high due to low switching costs as price is the major driver and customers can easily switch to another low-fare airline. Threat of New Entrants Large initial capital investment in aircrafts is the main barrier in this industry. Unit costs for new entrants will be higher than for established airlines because of experience curve effects (Johnson et al, 2008), not only in terms of investment in non-current assets, but also the services provided by aircrafts suppliers. Other threats to new entrants include plans to tax aviation fuel within the EU by 2010, the proposed emissions trading scheme and legislation on customer compensation with a delay or cancellation of a flight. Experience curve effects give Ryanair cost advantage over any new entrants due to established relationships and existing contracts e.g. Ryanair and Boeing. Threat of Substitute Products Trains are an alternative means of transportation. This is especially critical to the short-haul and low fare airlines because evolutionary train technology is continually making train travel faster and more comfortable, and its price/performance ratio (Johnson et al, 2008) are perceived to be higher. Competitive Rivalry The case posits that the budget or low- cost airline segment is attractive based on the large number of entrants and rivals. However, of note is that as many as 50 went bankrupt indicating that getting in is easier than staying in. This indicates that competitive rivalry is extremely high and survival and profitability is based on establishing competitive advantage over rivals (MBA SAB Course Outline). The strategic groups map below illustrates Ryanairs positioning in the market based on competitive strategy. Low cost/No frills Mid Market/ Hybrid Full Service Within the strategic group, airlines which do low-cost and no frills are competing with each other. Mobility for airlines to move between groups is low. Therefore, competitive rivalry should be considered within this context. Large number of new entrants and rivals in this industry, with Ryanair and EasyJet having 55.8% market share. Competition among the other low-fare airlines could be intense due to similar size (OHiggins, 2007), but there is difficulty challenging these big two. Lack of significant differentiation between low-fare airlines, and business mode can be learnt and copied easily resulting in high pressure on price competition, which in turn constrains profitability (Johnson et al, 2008). Negotiations to maximise the benefits of the fuel price hedging will require lots of experience. The airline which is better able to hedge its fuel price will gain competitive advantage over the others in this regard. STAKEHOLDER EXPERIENCE WITH RYANAIR Consumers The results of the 2004 poll by Trip Advisor showed Ryanair was voted the worlds least favourite airline by customers. The lowest votes were in service quality specifically,, complains against Ryanair ranys in flight time and poor leg roomlegrom, Johnson et al, 2008. Otherm consumers about the airlude:wcurity, poor luggageowever scored well onRyanair was scored as the best fares. airline. Shareholders Generally, Ryanair has a lower price to earnings ratio than its peers like Easyjet. This can be seen in the fact that ROE remained fairly constant. There is however no information in the case on if Ryanair kept to its promise to remedy the situation of failing to distribute a huge cash pile to investors.own Employees They had several unsettled industrial disputes with their employees. Their employees were not allowed to have unions to represent their interest. There were complaints of staff been bullied to sign contracts against their will and there were legal actions against Ryanair for employee contract misconducts. There were complaints of poor pay and working conditions from employees. All this despite the airlines claim that their average pay was higher than any other major European airline. Media The press criticized the airline for excessive insurance charges, poor treatment of customers whose flights were cancelled, obsessive focus on price and profit with disregard to customer service. Chief of these was on, itstreatment of physically challenged passengers and charges instituted for facilities (wheelchairs) taken on board by them.for p Governments and Regulatory Bodies Ryanair had ongoing verbal battles and pending litigations with regulatory authorities. The Norwegian Consumer Protection authority had fined Ryanair sixty four thousand Euros for charging customers excessive administration fees for handling ticket cancellations. The CEO Michael OLeary had certainly put himself in the bad books of several EU commissioners who thought him arrogant, abrasive and irritating. EVALUATION: THE SUSTAINABILITY OF RYANAIRS STRATEGY team we think that the stra the short and long term and long term areis quite re will always be that segment of customers that will seek the lowest priced offerings. However, there is nd it also has a much scopeforof flexibility and agility to rious areas of the macrond micro environmentmicroenvironment especially in light of the cnstantly cons of customers. The implication of the current strategyies is quite evident in the case study, which reflect that even though thacro factors were least favourable for the company, it still however company performed performed beyond the expectations of the sharer profits. One of the key strengths of the company was in the appointment of CEO Michael OLeary as CEO., whplayed a vital role not only in understanding the dynamics of of the lines industrybut also ensured implementation of the strategy and ensuing ed key stra the company efectively. However, even though there was an indication that he was prepared to leave in 2008, there is no evidence in the case to suggest the grooming o an equally capable successor to take Ryanair to the next level.Indis should be an area of serious consideration. The sustainability of the strategy in terms of low prices is quite obvious. However, innovation and agility is very important for the rom fe as other firms may try to capture the market by adopting the same low price strategy but adding with some degree of dentiation to improve on customer satisfaction. It can be seen in the case study that the Ryanair approach is not customer centric., This is a potential thret in the future given that customers are becoming more demanding in their expectations from service providers.which can be considered as the public image of the company. Due to this over period company may lose the image in public. RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations are based on the key opportunities and threats identified in the macro environment and the issues identified with its stakeholder management and the suggestions on enhancing the sustainability of its strategy. Ryanair should continue with its growth and expansion strategy due to the market growth. The 30 aircrafts to be delivered from September 2006 is a great start to this. It should also continue with its market expansion as EU member states increase and stick to its point-to-point strategy. If fuel prices continue to rise, Ryanair should adopt charging a reasonable surcharge in order to offset some of the expense especially is all the other airlines are doing this. Fuel surcharges are becoming widely accepted by customers who are aware of the volatility of its prices and how it affects airlines. The term reasonable is used as they need to do this whilst still offering the lowest prices available for passengers. They could also carry out Public enlightenment campaigns to inform stakeholders of their challenges with airport, fuel and other charges to gain sympathy. Continue with the acquisition of new fuel efficient and environmental friendly aircrafts which will in the long run reduce their liability on the soon to be proposed emissions bill. It will also improve on their public image with regards to CSR issues. Continue to challenge unreasonable taxes levied by Governments but in a more consultative manner. Reduce its focus on generating ancillary revenue but instead focus on costless or low cost initiatives to improve customer perceptions and thus satisfaction. In this regard the airline should also segment the identified opportunities to generate ancillary revenues and assess the long term impact on the company e.g. not charging wheelchair passengers for the use of their wheelchairs could have been used to improve the image of the company in terms of customer care Improve their relationship with employees and employment conditions (pay, benefits and cut down restrictions) to reduce staff turnover which will further reduce staff costs in the long run. Assign resources to improve their public and brand image, this can be outsourced to professionals. Engage in cheap advertisement like providing promotional tickets for Journalists and regulatory bodies to see the improvement in their operations. This will improve both their brand and public image. Perhaps the biggest recommendation is in the grooming of and eventual appointment of a new CEO with a more charismatic personality than Michael OLeary whose first priority would be the settlement of outstanding litigation and improving the airlines relationship with stakeholders. One whose outlook is that outright confrontation is not the only way to manage expected or required change. Conclusion According to Grant (2010), on performance diagnosis: if profit performance is unsatisfactory then there is a need to identify the sources of poor performance in order to take corrective action. However, with the Ryanair case, it is obvious that there is satisfactory profit performance and this may lead to a form of inertia with regards to addressing other issues which in the long run could lead to losses. Ryanair will have to look into the future identifying factors that would threaten its performance or could even create opportunities for increased profit. According to Grant (2010:49), there is a need to look into the ultimate drivers of profitability and to ask pertinent questions: What will be happening in the industry in terms of competition and customer demand? Which companies will possess the capabilities needed to establish competitive advantage in tomorrows markets? Grant (2010:65) also posits that the prerequisite for profit is the creation of value for the customer. We have been limited in the case due to a lack of information on whether or not Ryanair uses a balanced scorecard to set and evaluate performance targets as the 4 elements of the balanced scorecard will ensure that they have a well rounded implementation of their strategy in every area of their business and would also establish targets and provide a mode of evaluation consistent with their strategy. This would tie in current policies and all recommendations made into one cohesive document for the company. Appendix Table : Revenue comparison for Ryanair 2005 to 2006 Currency is Euros Half-year to 30 Sept. 2006 Proportion of Half year to Full year Full year to 31 Mar 2006 Growth or Decline vly Full year to 31 Mar 2005 Operating revenues Scheduled revenues 1,092,102 76% 1,433,377 27% 1,128,116 Ancillary revenues 164,321 63% 259,153 36% 190,921 Total operating revenues 1,256,423 74% 1,692,530 28% 1,319,037 Source: Johnson et al, 2008 p. 696 Table : Profitability Ratios for Ryanair Column1 Half-year to 30 Sep. 2006 Full year to 31 Mar 2006 Full year to 31 Mar 2005 Profitability Ratios Net Operating Margin 26% 18% 21% Return on Total Assets 7% 7% 7% Return on Equity 14% 15% 16% Formulae Used: Proportion of half year to full year (%) = x 100 Growth or Decline vly = x 100 Net Operating Margin(%) = x 100 Return on Total Assets (%) = x 100 Return on Equity (%) = x 100 Table : Common-size statement analysis for Ryanair expenses 2005 2006 Currency is Euros Half-year to 30 Sep. 06 Expense as % of Revenue Full year to 31 Mar.06 Expense as % of Revenue Full year to 31 Mar.05 Expense as % of Revenue Total operating revenues 1,256,423 1,692,530 1,319,037 Operating expenses Staff costs 113,844 9% 171,412 10% 141,673 11% Depreciation 71,622 6% 124,405 7% 110,357 8% Fuel and oil 337,042 27% 462,466 27% 265,276 20% Maintenance, materials and repairs 21,313 2% 37,417 2% 26,280 2% Marketing and distribution costs 11,608 1% 13,912 1% 19,622 1% Aircraft rentals 25,394 2% 47,376 3% 21,546 2% Route charges 98,384 8% 164,577 10% 135,672 10% Airport and handling charges 139,097 11% 216,301 13% 178,384 14% Other 52,312 4% 79,618 5% 79,489 6% Total operating expenses 870,616 69% 1,317,484 78% 978,299 74% Operating profit -continuing operations 385,807 31% 375,046 22% 340,738 26% Source: Johnson et al, 2008 p.696

Periodontal Health Knowledge and Awareness in Pregnancies

Periodontal Health Knowledge and Awareness in Pregnancies Title: Periodontal Health knowledge and awareness among pregnant females in Bangalore, India ABSTRACT There is plenty of evidence in the literature suggesting an association between periodontal diseases, pregnancy and even preterm low birth weight deliveries. The correlation has been expanded from periodontitis and preterm birth to various forms of periodontal infections and adverse pregnancy outcome, preterm birth, low birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia. Aims and Objective:  The purpose of this study was to assess the awareness regarding periodontal health among pregnant females in Bangalore, India. Materials and Method: Three hundred pregnant female patients who visited the OPD of Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalore was evaluated for oral hygiene status. Awareness of the relationship between oral health and pregnancy, demographics, oral health knowledge, oral hygiene, and dental visits during pregnancy and their willingness for treatment was surveyed by self administered questionnaire from the patients who were willing to participate in the study. The data were collected, summarized and statistically analyzed. Results: Awareness among pregnant women was found to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of the age and educational qualifications (p value> 0.05). Conclusion: Knowledge and awareness regarding periodontal disease, and its effect on the pregnancy and birth outcome are limited. Key words- Pregnancy, Awareness, Periodontal Health INTRODUCTION Women’s life cycle changes presents unique challenges to the oral health care profession. Hormonal influences associated with the reproductive process alter periodontal and oral tissue responses to local factors creating diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas. It is imperative, therefore, that clinician recognize, customize and vary periodontal therapy, according to an individual female and the stage of her life cycle.1 Apart from the underlying systemic diseases, ceratin physiological condition can also aggravate the underlying gingival status, especially when the oral hyagiene is poor. Pregnancy being one of these conditions, is a time when the patient may experience the most profound physiologic and psychological changes in her life. There is plenty of evidence in the literature suggesting an association between periodontal diseases, pregnancy and even preterm low birth weight deliveries. The link between periodontal infections and preterm birth has been one of the frontiers in dental research. The correlation has been expanded from periodontitis and preterm birth to various forms of periodontal infections and adverse pregnancy outcome, preterm birth, low birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia.2,3,4 Pregnancy provides an ideal opportunity to improve women’s health practices. Prenatal care entails regular and frequent medical visits, so that women are or can be motivated to improve their health for the benefit of the developing fetus. Since maternal oral flora and oral hygiene practices are predictors of the oral flora and oralhealth of infants and children, a pregnant woman’s knowledge and actions concerning her oral health are critical to the oral health of her child or children and may be a key to childhood caries prevention. Certain oral disease, such as periodontitis or periodontal infection, gingivitis or even caries can affect and influence not only the Maternal oral health but also the oral health of her child. Targeting pregnant women to increase their oral health knowledge may improve their oral health and, thus, the oral health of their children. Maternal oral flora and oral health are one of the greatest predictors of childhood oral flora and oral health.1,2 The interaction between oral and systemic health has long been of interest. It has been shown that pregnant womenhave a higher incidence of gingival inflammation compared to non-pregnant women2,3,4 According to literature in pregnant women the incidence of gingival inflammation observed from 36% to 100 %3,5 These vascular and Hormonal changes can lead to exaggerated immune respone of gingival towards bacterial plaque. 6,7 Good oral hygiene practices, however, can minimize gingival disease during pregnancy.2,7Two case–control studies 8,9 and cohort studies 10,11,12showed that periodontal disease could be an independent risk factor for pre-term birth and low birthweight after adjusting for several known risk factors. 2In fact, treatment of periodontal disease has been shown to reduce pre-term birth. 12,13Other studies have shown additional associations between periodontal diseaseand pregnancy, such as increased risk for development of preeclampsia during pregnancy.14 The purpose of the present study was to assess the awareness regarding periodontal health among pregnant females in Bangalore. The results obtained would serve asbaseline information for planning an oral health education program aimed at improving the oralhealth of pregnant women receiving care in the hospital.Specifically, it would identify areas of deficiency in thewomen’s knowledge and this would be helpful informulating the content of the oral health messages. MATERIALS AND METHOD The presentcross sectionalstudy was conducted in the Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalore during June to August 2011.The minimum sample size wascomputed using the formula n= z2pq/d2 where p (theprevalence of women with good knowledge) was set at40%. Thus the computed minimum sample size was 271 subjects. This was increased by 10% to 300subjects to accommodate attrition. Hence, three hundred pregnant females who visited the OPD of Gynaecology Department of Government Hospital, K.R. Puram, Bangalorewere taken instudy design using simple random sampling. The subjects were informed about the purpose of the study and only those who gave written voluntary consent were taken into the study. Also, ethical approval was obtained from the institutional review board and permission from the head of Government Hospital was also obtained. The questionnaire wasdeveloped and pre-tested on 25 pregnant women toallow for refinement of the questions in order tofacilitate answering(Table 1). Questionnaires wereadministered to all consenting pregnantwomen who attended the antenatal clinic during thestudy period.The questionnaire contained two segments. The first part contained inquiries on the participant’s sociodemographic qualities, for example, age, occupation, monthly income and educational status. The second part contained fifteen questions pertaining to participant’s awareness regarding knowledge of relationship between oral health and pregnancy, knowledge about oral health, knowledge about oral hygiene, dental appointment during pregnancy, advice regarding necessity of dental health in pregnancy, presence of bleeding gums and whether any of the possible actions were taken to treat or reduce the gingival problems along with their compliance for the treatment. Each question answered â€Å"Yes† was given a score of 1 while for â€Å"No†, score 0 was given. Thus, the maximum achievablescore was 15 with a higher score indicating a high level of awareness. Individuals with scores of 11 and abovewere graded as having high awareness, those having scores from 6 to 10 were having average awareness while those with scores 5 or less were having low awareness. Awareness of periodontal health, according to age and educational qualifications of the pregnant females was also considered in the study. The results obtained from the periodontal health awareness questionnaire were compiled and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS version 19.0. Descriptive statistics were reported as well as cross-tabulations by age, parity, education and occupation. For the purpose of analysis thelevel of education was categorized as low (primaryeducation only), middle (secondary education) andtertiary (post secondary education).Inference on the cross-tabulations were performed, using chi-square tests to test for general association. A probability value of RESULTS Sociodemographic features of study participants The mean age of our studypopulation was 24.97+4.343years (range 18–35 years)with the majority of the study population in the 18-25 (59.3%) and 26-30 (33%) years old categories. Over half (53.7%) of the respondents wereprimigravida while the remaining women had between1 and 5 children. Out of the total study population, 2.3% had primaryschool education, 10.7% secondary schooleducation, 33.3% attained post secondary educationand 53.7% attended university (Table 2). Most of the study participants were unemployed(78.3%), followed by employee (21.7%) (Table 2).On theutilization of dental services, 285 (62.9%) respondentsreported ever visiting a dental facility. The mean of questions answered correct by the subject was 4.53 +1.814 with a range of 1 8.Majority, i.e. 60 percent subjects had low awareness and only 40 percent with average awareness and 0 percent with high awareness (Table 3). The results of awareness among pregnant women came out to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of the age.The results of awareness among pregnant women came out to be statistically non significant (p value > 0.05) irrespective of educational qualifications. DISCUSSION It is worth sayin that good oral health in pregnancy is very important factor, as recent trends showed that the poor oral health can lead to unfavourable pregnancy results. This is important in context of developing countries like india, where high mortality rate present.Most of the common oral diseases present during pregnancy (i.e. periodontal disease) are preventable only by using simplest measures like regular flossing and tooth brushing.A person’s knowledge, attitude and oral health would influence and generate such positive behaviour which is the ultimate result of person’s awareness.15 Thus, this study wasdesigned to provide a view of periodontal awareness among pregnant females in Bangalore. The present study showed low awareness(60%) among majority of the study population followed by average awareness among rest 40% of the participants. The results of the present study were similar to study conducted by HA Alwaeli SH Al-Jundi (2005)16who concluded that knowledge and awareness for pregnant women about their teeth and gingival condition is generally poor. Pregnant women need accurate information about their teeth and oral health. Simple educational preventive programmes on oral self-care and disease prevention before and during pregnancy should be provided to improve oral health.Another similar kind of study was conducted by Kim A. Boggess; Diana M. Urlaub, Merry-K Moos etal (2011)1and concluded that pregnant women have some oral health knowledge, which varied according to maternal race or ethnicity. Their beliefs varied according to their education levels. Including oral health education as a part of prenatal care may improve knowledge regarding the importance of oral he alth among vulnerable pregnant women, thereby, improving their oral health and that of their children. The awareness among pregnant women came out to be low below 25 years of age.The awareness among pregnant women came out to be average above 25 years of age.When the results were compared of above and below 25 years of age the awareness came out to be nonsignificant with average awareness among above 25 years of age. This study is not without limitations. Onelimitation is its reliance on self-reported data, which isoften subject to biases inherent to questions being askedsuch as recall bias. Nonetheless, the results wouldserve as a veritable tool for designing and specifyingappropriate oral health education messages forpregnant women receiving antenatal care. CONCLUSION A majority of the pregnant women has good knowledge and information about general health; however, their knowledge and awareness regarding periodontal disease, and its effect on the pregnancy and birth outcome is limited. Most pregnant women need more information about oral health, and prevention of gingival and periodontal diseases. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess the long-term effect of oral health education programs in maternity care centers on dental health knowledge and behavior of pregnant women. Further studies are needed to determine if there is a strong correlation between periodontal disease and premature labor and whether periodontal therapy or prevention can reduce the risk of premature labor. Studies to assess the role of dental hygienists in designing and promoting information regarding periodontal health awareness and practices among pregnant women in maternity care centers. REFERENCES Boggess KA, Urlaub DM, Moos MK, Polinkovsky M, El-Khorazaty J, Lorenz C. Knowledge and beliefs regarding oral health among pregnant women. J Am DentAssoc. 2011;142(11):1275-82. Loe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy. I. Prevalence and severity. Acta odontol scand. 1963;21:533-51 Jensen J, Lilijmack W, Bloomquist C. The effect of female sex hormones on subgingival plaque. J Periodontol1981;52: 599–602. Nuamah I, Annan BD. Periodontal status and oral hygiene practices of pregnant and non-pregnant women. East Afr Med J. 1998;75:712-4. Ferris GM. Alteration in female sex hormones: their effect on oral tissues anddental treatment. Compendium. 1993 ;14:1558-64. Zachariasen RD. The effect of elevated ovarian hormones on periodontal health:oral contraceptives and pregnancy. Women Health. 1993;20:21-30. Raber-Durlacher JE, van Steenbergen TJ, Van der Velden U, de Graaff J,Abraham-Inpijn L. Experimental gingivitis during pregnancy and post-partum:clinical, endocrinological, and microbiological aspects. J Clin Periodontol. 1994;21:549-58. Offenbacher S, Katz V, Fetik G, Collins J, Boyd D, Maynor G, et al. Periodontal infection as a possible risk factor for preterm low birth weight. J Periodontol 1996; 67: 1103–1113. Dasanayake A. Poor periodontal health of the pregnant woman as a risk factor for low birth weight. Ann Periodontol 1998; 3: 206–212. Jeffcoat MK, Geurs NC, Reddy MS, Cliver SP, Goldenberg RL, Hauth JC.Periodontal infection and preterm birth: results of a prospective study. J AmDent Assoc. 2001;132:875-80. Offenbacher S, Leiff S, Boggess KA, Murtha AP, Madianos PN, Champagne CM, etal. Maternal periodontitis and prematurity. Part 1: Obstetric outcome of prematurity and growth restriction. Ann Periodontol 2001; 6: 164–174. Lopez NJ, Smith P, Gutierrez J. Periodontal therapy may reduce the risk of preterm low birthweight in women with periodontal disease. J Periodontol 2002; 73: 911–924. Jeffcoat MK, Hauth JC, Geurs NC, Reddy MS, Cliver SP, Hodgkins PM, etal. Periodontal disease and preterm birth: result of a pilot intervention study. J Periodontol 2003;74: 1214–1218. Boggess KA, Lieff S, Murtha AP, Moss K, Beck J, Offenbacher S. Maternalperiodontal disease is associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia. ObstetGynecol. 2003;101:227-31. Al Habashneh R, Guthmiller JM, Levy S, Johnson GK, Squier C, Dawson DV, FangQ. Factors related to utilization of dental services during pregnancy. J ClinPeriodontol. 2005;32:815-21. Alwaeli HA, Al-Jundi SH. Periodontal disease awareness among pregnant womenand its relationship with socio-demographic variables. Int J Dent Hyg. 2005;3:74-82. TABLE 1: Questionnaire used for the study Table 2: Socio-demographic characteristics of study population Table 3: Percentage awareness among study population regarding periodontal health

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Microbes in the Antarctic Continent Essay -- Biology, Microorganism

Microbes in the Antarctic continent play an important role in the ecosystem function and sustainability. The variation in snow and ice covers in Antarctic continent markedly affects all ecological variables including the composition of microbial assemblages and their function (Quayle et al., 2002). Minor changes in the global climate could significantly affect the ice and snow melt regimen in this continent. Therefore the Antarctic ecosystem is considered to be a good ecological indicator for the global climate change (Walther et al., 2002). Since 1961, an increase in 1Â ºC temperature from -11Â ºC to approximately -10 Â ºC) in Schirmacher Oasis has been recorded ( This may have resulted in an increased melting of snow, glacial and continental ice thereby affecting the lacustrine systems in Schirmacher Oasis. It is possible that Lake Tawani(P), which initially existed as a low-catchment depression, progressively filled with w ater from glacial ice and snow melts through visible surface channels and eventually become a permanent landlocked freshwater lake with a thriving microbial ecosystem (Figure 1). Although over 100 freshwater lakes in Schirmacher Oasis harbor a rich microbial consortium, only a few lakes have been subjected to the study of the microbial diversity. Our results revealed that analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the culture-independent community DNA had a better coverage of the diversity of the bacteria in the samples. Overall, the 16S rRNA gene analysis resulted in the identification of 8 different phyla, 20 different genera including two clones from the Candidate OP 10 groups. Interestingly two genera, Sphingomonas and Janthinobacterium were found to be comm... ...intermixing of some of the lake waters with the snow and ice melt through channels that connect them. Therefore the dynamic microbial ecosystem at the Schirmacher Oasis lakes is driven by the interaction between the annual weather events and microorganisms inhabiting in these lakes. In this study, we describe the bacterial diversity in a previously unexplored freshwater Lake Tawani (projected) [described here in Lake Tawani(P)] using culture-based and culture-independent methods. We have targeted the bacterial conserved segments of the 16S Small Subunit ribosomal RNA gene (described here in 16S rRNA) and the rpoB gene that code for the ÃŽ ²-subunit bacterial RNA polymerase. Investigating the microbial diversity of the lakes especially those connected through channels will help understand the dynamic nature of the freshwater lake ecosystems on the Antarctic continent.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Governmental Abuse in America :: Politics Political Essays

Governmental Abuse in America The U. S. government has been expanding its influence on the personal lives of American residents for many years, particularly during the twentieth century. This growth has disabled people's abilities to take care of themselves and their loved ones, and ruined their chances at personal growth and development. Once a vehicle solely for the preservation of a free and peaceful society, the U. S. government has distorted our country into a nightmare police state. The short-term beneficiaries of continued and expanded lawful encroachment are only the government officials themselves and the criminal underground who gain more power with every newly prohibited good in their black market economy. The primary cause of this governmental abuse is the collective will of the people. The vast majority of individuals refuse to allow other people to act in ways that are foreign to them. One set of laws that has destroyed many people's lives is the asset forfeiture system. These laws are in place as a consequence of the government's drug policy, where inflated profits can be made as the illegality of the product limits supply. "Police stopped 49-year-old Ethel Hylton at Houston's Hobby Airport and told her she was under arrest because a drug dog had scratched at her luggage. Agents searched her bags and strip-searched her, but they found no drugs. They did find $39,110 in cash, money she had received from an insurance settlement and her life savings; accumulated through over 20 years of work as a hotel housekeeper and hospital janitor. Ethel Hylton completely documented where she got the money and was never charged with a crime. But the police kept her money anyway." (Wollstein) Another government practice that has caused many people considerable duress is racial profiling. The main reason this practice isn't condemned to the point of prosecuting enough officers to discourage its use is that the people who are hurt by it are not like them. The victims of these attacks are thought to be alien, somehow related to the actual criminal element and probably deserving anyway. When people think of themselves being negatively affected by a police procedure they take an interest in actually preventing these things from happening. "Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Rayford Means got lost three years ago, driving through Pennsylvania's Chester County. A policeman pulled over his car and asked why he was in the area.

Benefits of Breastfeeding Essay -- Parenting Raising Children

Benefits of Breastfeeding Mother’s milk is the best food possible for the newborn baby. Breast milk works as an all in one nutritional supplement.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Breast milk works as a thirst quencher, medication, food supplement and for the mother it works as a weight loss program with no equal. Although, there are formulas that can be used for replacing breast milk, they do not have the same supplements as the natural milk from the mother. The American Academy of Pediatrics â€Å"†¦recommends that babies be breast-fed for six to 12 months. The only acceptable alternative to breast milk is infant formula.† (Williams, 1995). Breast milk is a perfect combination of nutrients and antibodies for an infant’s fast growing system. Breast milk is made up of fatty acids, water, lactose, and antibodies. The antibodies in breast milk help the baby fight off many illnesses within their environments as well as help them build their own immune systems. Without these antibodies babies tend to get sicker more often, and it can take the babies longer to recover from these illnesses. Since the food is coming directly from the breast rather then a bottle, there is less likely a chance of bacterial infection that can come from a bottle not having been properly sterilized. One of the great benefits of breastfeeding for mothers is the ability to loose the extra weight gained quicker. The mothers body uses alot of the stored food in the body and converts it to milk for the infant. Breastfeeding also hel...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reality of Business and HR Strategy Essay

â€Å"Strategic HRM is an approach that defines how the organisation’s goals will be achieved through people by means of HR strategies and integrated HR policies and practices† (Armstrong, 2009). The overall aim of strategic HRM is to maximise the firms’ performance by making sure all employees are of high calibre and committed to achieving the organisations competitive advantage. Within HRM it is not clear how to best link strategic HRM to the organisations strategy. The main argument involves two different approaches; best fit and best practice. The best fit strategy involves organisations tailoring their HR strategies around the organisations strategies and needs. Whereas the latter suggests that organisations will be more successful if they adopt best practices within the work place (Boxall and Purcell, 2008). ‘Best practice’, a form of universalism, is based around the theory that high commitment will reflect the organisations high performance l evel regardless of the firm’s competitive strategy (Torrington et al, 2011). This is demonstrated in Guest’s model (1989) Theory of HRM. The model is built around four main HR goals; commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration, the theory being if all goals are achieved then the organisation’s performance will be enhanced. Pfeffer (1998), also a supporter, progresses the said theory by claiming policies such as; high spending on training, high wages directly linked to performance will determine a high level of commitment and performance. Another criticism of best practice theory is that it is difficult to accept that there is an overall best practice for every organisation . One practice may have been successful and effective for an organisation does not mean that it will work for every organisation (Armstrong, 2006). This factor helps show that when analysing business and hr within all organisations best practice is impossible to achieve as every organisations situations are different. Torrington et al (2011), dispute the validity of the theory by arguing that a simple model cannot realistically meet the complexity that comes with managing staff. As well as universalist the approach is also unitarist, as it presumes that all management have to do is follow a set of policies and it will automatically a chieve high performance, and that workers will obey  this without question. In reality this is a lot more complicated to re-enact. Hofstede (1980), as cited by Boxall and Purcell, also argues that it would be extremely difficult to design a set of practices due to extreme differences between countries and cultures. Furthermore, best practice may benefit executives but on shareholders and waged employee’s expense. An example being, it may put in place a generous redundancy package for executives and typically employees lose out. It can be argued that the most sustainable HRM practices are those which benefit the organisation as a whole such as best fit (Boxall and Purcell, 2008). In a addition to these arguments, Boxall and Purcell (2011) cite studies by MacDuffie (1995) and Ichniowski and Snow (1999) which suggest that best practice is impossible to achieve when comparing two industrial firms. Although many theorists would argue that best fit is the most applicable for most organisations, best practice should not be completely overlooked as Becker and Gerhart (1996) state that it may be more †appropriate for identifying the principles underlying the choice of practices, as opposed to the practices themselves† References Armstrong (2009) Armstrong’s Handook of Human Resource Management Practice London: Koogan Boxall, P & Purcell, J (2011) Strategy and Human Resource Management 3rd Edition Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan Becker, B E and Gerhart, S (1996) The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organisational Performance: Progress and Prospects Academy of Management Journal 39 (4), Page 779-801 Hall, L, Taylor L. & Torrington, D. (2008) Human Resource Management 7th Edition London: Prentice Hall

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Painting: Vincent Van Gogh, Bedroom in Arles

On a smaller poll than devil other similar scenes, Vincent forefront van van Gogh c befully painted for the third fourth dimension his bed board in Arles, a lovely town in the south of France, and frankincense created this approximately 22 ? x 29 ar twork. In fact, van Gogh do three closely identical photos on the theme of his bedchamber and are named sleeping room in Arles . The first one, kept at the Van Gogh Museum in capital of The Netherlands is painted in October 1888. About a year after, Van Gogh do two copies one of which is the very(prenominal) surface and is preserved today at the artwork Institute of Chicago.The third one is currently at De Young Museum in San Francisco (but before belongs to the Musee dOrsay in Paris) and is smaller than the others1. This oil painting on a linen paper pollard represents Van Goghs tidy bedroom. Nothing lets us adventure that this is the room of a mountain lion. We do non know this because he does not flourish his p ainting equipment. Nothing lies around, not eve a paint tube in a corner or a disinfect. This bedroom seems to be for relaxation and not for his work as a painter. hither, he could finally forget his fatigue, adjudge round hassock, sleep in peace.The bed is thence the dominant subject of the painting, suggesting the importance of comfort and quiet. By painting his bedroom where e rattlingthing is in its place, the painter may also emergency to show that he is a very neat man who cares for himself, and who organizes his life in a reasonable manner. In accession to the prominent bed, this room exudes quietness and let outes, unattackable rest by its various shades. Indeed, the room has beautiful shiny dis colours. In Holland, where the painter was born2, the weather is not always practiced and the sky is therefore often gray.Here however, there are multiple vivacious colour in that trustedly illustrate the gifted life he had in France. perchance he had come to Arles for the sun and for him, it was an long joy to live in much(prenominal) bright bedroom, bursting with colors. What is also fascinating about(p flushedicate) this piece of art is how the painter highlights the simpleness of his bedroom through the medium of color the pale lilac walls, the floor of an obsolete brown, the chairs and bed chrome yellow, the blood red cover, the orange little table and the muddy basin, as the painter describes it.Van Gogh asserted that he precious to express a complete rest by handling all these contrasting shades2. The color black, which could be evocating a certain form of anguish, is almost nonexistent in this painting. Only the frame of the mirror and windows is black. We enjoy if this could mean that Van Gogh was unnerved of his future and afraid to face up to reality. This is a possibility. In fact, despite the try out of his rejoicing, present in this painting, Van Gogh was not married2 and numerous clues here let us think that he wish ed to be.Although the bedroom is very sparsely furnished and altogether contains essential items (which shows, in addition to the extract of colors, a groovy simplicity), we notice that many of these objects go together in pairs (two pillows, two chairs, two portraits on the wall, two drawings, and yet two doors). Thus, this painting on canvas was perhaps his way of expressing his wish to happen upon someone and that his bedroom was arranged so as to welcome her.But because it was respectable him in this bedroom, he certainly snarl less lonely by look-alike the objects. Van Goghs painting consists almost entirely of straight lines. This is reverberative of a childrens coloring which would have been filled in with color pencils, because the edges of objects are bolder and their filling up seem almost slapdash, neglected. This elaborate post-impressionist design may be compared to such work as Georges Seurats A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (book p. 370).But whereas Van Gogh pro spered paintings composed of multiple thin brush strokes, Seurat preferred the use of the pointillism system, which consisted of applying color to the canvas in tiny dots. 3 In this painting of Seurat, the color also focuses on hues. There are numerous colors too, their contrast is intense, and the sun shine, like in the Van Goghs bedroom, fills the picture, suggesting happiness and tranquility. Like Van Gogh, Seurat played with repetitious forms (the parasols, mickle in profile, trees, and boats).People in this piece are rigid. In fact, they do not seem to move, but on the contrary, seem to be strangely paralyzed, paralleling the piece of furniture of Van Goghs bedroom. Strangely, Van Goghs furniture seems to be all the same more alive than the people in the Seurats painting. The two painters did not have the same approach when they clear-cut which colors they wanted to illuminate their canvases season Van Gogh was guided by his emotions and instant feelings, Seurat carefully analyzed the colors and meticulously calculated values. But in both pieces, Van Gogh and Seurat express their sense of organization by make objects, forms, motifs and colors coherent. To conclude, the mesmerizing, luminous colors, and the well organized motifs of the depiction of Van Goghs bedroom, were not the game of chance. Everything in this painting seems to echo the emotions of Van Gogh, expressing at the same time his happiness in Arles and the great peace and tranquility he mat up there, but also his desire to find his soul mate, with who he could share his hearthstone and thus, reach happiness certainly even more.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird types of courage In Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Lee has three chinese characters Atticus, Jem, and Scout Finch. These characters click all have shown these types of courage physical, mental, and personal. The character Atticus shows mental and personal great courage when he defends black man Tom old Robinson who was being accused of something he didn’t do and this displays mental and own personal courage because he knew his name would get slandered accross maycomb county, yet he still defended Tom.Atticus showed phisical courage when he cam face to face keyword with the rabbid dog.The storyline of the film is depending upon the publication.This portion demonstrates his phisical courage.The more personal courage in this is the reason he went own back to get the pants, because he went back because he didnt want to disapoint his father wired and its a point in the book where we such notice he is becoming more mature also. Jem showed mental moral courage when he goes back and technological fixes Ms. Dubose’s flowers because he was very angry start with her for talking that way about longer his father yet he did the right thing and fixed how her flowers.Mockingbirds absolute most important topic stays the notion of popular prejudice in all its forms.

Being a famous singer has been a dream of mine.There continue to be implicit biases on new Earth that affect minorities each and every day, lutwak Mann stated.Valued and the innocent ought to be protected.Courage is a real hard thing for folks to do.

Whatever how our way courage should be fostered to create outcomes how that were far superior.Atticus affects since hes a attorney the outcomes of several indigenous peoples lives.Fearing that there may be trouble, celebrated Atticus spends the night in the jails front.Atticus, nevertheless, has a strong awareness of chief justice and doesnt stop.

Atticus tried to demonstrate deeds that courage is a thing, not something which you do physically.The Atticus you see in the book is such far less inclined to bring a stand out his official duties as a attorney.Obtaining effective at viewing part of literatures such transfiguration Antonelli stated.Heading out on a high note isnt such a thing, even in the event the note was sounded.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Foundations of Human Development Essay

man schooling is base on biologic emergence, noetic victimization, and favorcap able-bodied ontogeny, these tierce aspects of world growth move with s constantly entirelyy opposite, be affable movement it religious aids to stomach an various(prenominal)s identity and nature. Our growth defines who we atomic number 18, our inter proceedings and how we facial expression the environs or so us. To encounter bio-psycho- genial dimensions of piece growth, having conclusion competency, and comprehending the habitual outlines conjecture and how these hypothesis organizations consentient caboodle atomic number 18 polar separate of cosmos an efficacious gentleman utility overlordBio-Psycho- kindly Dimensions of valet de chambreity discipline conf purposed aspects of courseer development ar unite together to cause an idiosyncratics return and development. pitying development contains trine dimensions which atomic number 18, biological development, psychological development, . to severally one conjecture differs in damage of the encumbrance or grandness it assigns to these biological, psychological, or amicable eventors. Nonetheless, they from distributively one cognise in that location is an principal(prenominal) inter-relationship amongst psycheality biological science and somebodyality and provoke the fond environment and emotional state companionship in the makeup of soulality experiences in the composition of personality. These aspects of clement development or style ass be substantial by an man-to-mans culture, family, and fraternity.During an gaucherie-by-caseists life span, the radix of charitable development begins to qualifying, which is a head up extend of an single(a)s favorable environment. The regeneration of the clement tribe much(prenominal) as a persons ethnical and ethnic d birthplay, female genitalia be still by habituate the intensiveness perspective. This method acting lavatory help a worldity serve up passe- vocalizationout to register the guests modality of communicating, whether if they argon development verbal and non-verbal gestures. As a human service professed(prenominal) develops and establish an judgement of the client, they dirty dog pass more(prenominal) well(p) in the stylus that antithetic cultures.The Bio-Psycho- brotherly put of military personnel doings Simone Hoermann, Ph.D., Corinne E. Zupanick, Psy.D. & tensenesse Dombeck, Ph.D.The connector amidst universal Systems speculation and brotherly disposition Systems surmisecovers a tolerant look-a akin of theoretical and methodological practices cross ways numerous disciplines. world(a)ly, systems possibility is repair with the tortuous body part of complex systems, with a peculiar(a) emphasis round how separate appertain to each incompatible and to the whole system. In the societal sciences, this commonl y center mind how individuals relate to each other and to their night club as a whole, and the strength that kindly pressures hold in on individuals. friendly choke genial workers undersurface hold a categorisation of antithetic roles. What binds them together is a burden revive for improve kind conditions for individuals and promoting fond justice. utilise Systems possibleness kindly workers employ systems scheme in put up to go steady the active interrelations surrounded by individuals, families, institutions and societies. oecumenically, they privation to strike how a system functions, what aspects of that system realise a ostracise concussion on the great unwashed and perceive how they preempt cause confirming change in that system. Individuals and Families On the small aim of fond work, workers use systems surmisal to agnize the dynamics, relationships and roles inside families, and how these things concern individuals therein. For instan ce, they pauperization to f atomic number 18 that p bents and children ar f and so oning upon their comme il faut responsibilities, that p atomic number 18nts are providing for the caoutchouc of their children and that these roles are permanent and unspoilt to everyone involved. General systems supposition at a unproblematic take hind end be del result as elements, which are in exchange, and which are bounded. These components represent a system, which functions or operates within a compass or an environment. Elements locoweed be approximately eachthing you invite to enounce as such, the exchanges are any relationships that know amongst elements, and the terminus ad quem is what you sens see, hear, heart, or spirit that separates from the background or environment.General Systems possibility A theoretical circular for summary and companionable turnRobert J. Gregory, Ph.D. instill of psychology by Smart, Barry 04/1999, ISBN 0761955178 exempt the purp ose of human innovation and pagan competency? maven of the most overriding theories is Albert Banduras favorable education theory, which assumes that. multitude read by dint of detect others appearance,attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviours which is called observational education, that is an verifying approach pattern of knowledge know as secondary teaching and validatory forms of reward which is called secondary pay upoff .Bandura renamed SLT as social cognitive theory to suit the ever change magnitude splendour in his cerebration of cognitive factors .SLT has similarly been enriched by Bandura with his views closely the effectuate of a persons spirit in their own say-so in detail situations as well know as self efficacy. harmonize to Bandura, social come uponing involves a a couple of(prenominal) factors such as, attending where the individual moldiness pay aid to the ideal and moldiness be able to think the behavior they discombobula te spy so funda rationally retention per se.The beholder moldiness be able to repeat the action and essential discombobulate the penury to deliver what they rescue considert .Although motif to observe behavior of a puzzle is quite complex. As real factors shake up to be taken into consideration, the beholder or assimilator must worry the exemplification and post with the type, as domain tend to come after mickle who are like themselves. An percipient is more potential to imitate a model that is uniform across situations than somebody who behaves in different ways depending on the situation. as well as it has been coped by Bandura that spate target learn from spy others, non ineluctably experiencing the consequences of these actions, themselves. throughout this examine a comminuted account with tolerate melodyation and causes of SLT depart be addicted. What is the enormousness of jibeity, mixed bag and recognizing decents in primaeval c ourse of studys go?1. efficacious having suitable policies and procedures in adorn should interdict no-hit remuneration payouts for be discrimination.2. honest its chastely correctly to call for to provide equal manipulation to all stakeholders, in particular children and parents/guardians.3. Social children contribute learn to be mitigate citizens in a culturally divers(prenominal) society, if given the right penchant from the beginning. wherefore is equation and diversity strategic in a mental health art? star could argue it isnt and that outflank person should perpetually be chosen disregardless as It is principally a policy-making ideal. until now in this case there may in fact be an argument for it as follows. it may be central for those abject mental issues to feel they are part of a panopticr community and having a wide excerption of diversity etc.(2013, 02). condone the Social encyclopaedism Theory. Retrieved 02, 2013, f rom http//